Our Library Relations team travels to conferences around the globe, including the United Kingdom Serials Group Annual Conference (UKSG), the International Federation of Library Associations Annual Conference (IFLA), and the Frankfurt Book Fair. If you come across a Duke University Press booth in your travels, we hope that you'll come say hello.
Kim Steinle, Library Relations and Sales Manager
"One of the nicest things about library conferences is the opportunity to finally meet a librarian in person after years of e-mails. Face-to-face conversations about usage reporting or budget constraints can be so productive. The frank exchange of information helps us be as responsive as possible to librarians' concerns." Kim's next meetings are North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) and IFLA.
Beth Hoskins, Library Relations Coordinator
"I'm always struck by how easily small talk leads to big ideas at library meetings. I remember chatting with a librarian who was frustrated by all of the time she spent sorting through massive site licenses. As a result, we trimmed our e-collection site licenses down to two pages. It was great to learn about a specific way that we could lighten a burden for our customers."
Kendall McKenzie, Data and Project Specialist
"Conferences give me the chance to absorb the library culture. We love to learn about librarians’ challenges, successes, new trends, and what they want most out of their content. It’s exciting to have these conversations in person and really witness their energy." Kendall's next meeting is UKSG.
If you'll be attending UKSG, please look for Kendall and Leslie Eager at Stand 74. Leslie is returning for her second UKSG and Kendall is looking forward to attending for the first time.
We'd love to see you while we're in the UK. If we can meet either at the conference or on a campus visit, please contact us!