Welcome back to the University Press Week blog tour! Today's theme is spotlighting the importance of regional publishing. Here at Duke we don't publish very many regional titles, but we appreciate the great work so many other presses do in this field, especially our friends down the road in Chapel Hill! Start your tour of regional publishing today with a post at Fordham University Press, where Director Fredric Nachbaur writes about establishing the Empires State Editions imprint. Then head south to Lousiana Univeristy Press, where they'll discuss the challenge of capturing an authentic representation of Louisiana's culture, especially when it is an outstider looking in, as many authors (scholars or not) are. Next it's Syracuse University Press, where regional author Chuck D'Imperio will discuss the roots of regional writing in many of the "classics." The tour goes to University of Alabama Press next. Then head to University of Nebraska Press, where Editor-in-Chief Derek Krissoff defines the meaning of place in university press publishing. Check out University of North Carolina Press for the next post, in which editorial director Mark Simpson-Vos highlights the special value of regional university press publishing at a time when the scale for so much of what we do emphasizes the global. University Press of Kentucky hosts the next post, where they are talking about preserving Kentucky's cultural heritage, and some of the fun things that make KY (and KY books) unique. And finally, at University Press of Misssissippi, Marketing Manager Steve Yates gives his thoughts on the scale of regional publishing and shares the sage advice of businessmen. Hope you enjoy these great posts. View the complete tour schedule here. Check back here tomorrow for the final day of the blog tour.