In a digital environment, we sometimes miss the serendipity of scanning a library bookshelf and stumbling on that perfect, unexpected text. Now relevant content may be scattered among dozens of websites, and we can only browse in fragments. But in 2014 Duke University Press is doing what we can to make room for serendipity as well as cutting-edge discovery tools by bringing our e-books and journals together on one site. Our publications in humanities and social sciences are part of a shared scholarly conversation, and our shared platform will allow readers to pursue related content more seamlessly.
We take the first step this December when the e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection joins our journals on the HighWire Press platform. As we integrate content, readers will see new recommendation features, cross-format searching, and simple navigation across books and journals. Librarians will experience the efficiency of consolidated administration tools and enhanced functionality.
The new site is currently under construction, but we invite you to watch a brief video preview:
For more information about what’s new for e-Duke Books, or to be notified in December when the new site is available, please visit