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    November 12, 2012



    Beautiful, articulate, and inspiring post!

    The first university press I ever visited was HUP in Cambridge, MA, and I have very fond memories associated with the place.

    Reading your post above reminded me of how the summer before I was to attend my undergraduate university, Gonzaga University in Spokane WA, my fellow classmates and I at the Gonzaga Honors Program were given a reading list we were to complete prior to entering campus. The reading list was designed to help us "acculturate" and "acclimate" our minds to university reading. One of the books on that list included Mortimer J. Adler's HOW TO READ A BOOK. Adler's book helped us (that is, my fellow Gonzaga Honors Program classmates and me) understand the differences between academic literacy and popular culture literacy.

    It's been twenty years since then, and I've loved reading oeuvres produced by university presses. I'm grateful to you for your above post's last sentence, "So, buy a university press book today, better yet, write one"-----because you've sparked a fire within me to pen a good university press book :) Cross your fingers that I can actualize this new aspiration :) Thank you :)

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