There are two events honoring Eve Sedgwick today. If you're in Durham, head over to the Richard White Auditorium on East Campus for
"After Eve," a lecture and roundtable featuring Lauren Berlant (author of
The Female Complaint and
The Queen of America Goes to Washington City), Tyler Curtain (who has a forthcoming book with Duke and wrote the introduction to
Baltimore Portraits), Maurice Wallace (author of
Constructing the Black Masculine), and Robyn Wiegman (author of
American Anatomies and editor of
Women's Studies on Its Own). If you're in New York City instead, you can attend the two-day conference
"Spanking and Poetry" at the CUNY Graduate Center. The conference features many fascinating panels on Eve's work and influence and concludes with a keynote address by Michael Moon and Jonathan Goldberg, who, along with Michèle Aina Barale, edited Series Q with Sedgwick. Moon is the author of
A Small Boy and Others and Goldberg wrote
Willa Cather and Others and edited
Queering the Renaissance. It's great to see so many Duke University Press authors honoring Eve Sedgwick, who was such an important influence on the Press itself, on scholarship, and in many lives.