David Price, author of Anthropological Intelligence and Threatening Anthropology, writes about the Pentagon's Minerva Consortium in Counterpunch. The Minerva program aims to solicit the advice of social scientists to aid in analyzing and fighting various security threats such as terrorism, Iraq, and growing Chinese power. Price writes, "In my field, anthropology, there is an overwhelming disciplinary amnesia of the extent to which research has been directed by the Pentagon and intelligence agencies in the past." (Both Price's books address how anthropologists have interacted with the government in the past). Price concludes, "The problem with Gate’s Minerva vision is the problem with Soviet science: ideologically dependent science’s purse strings cannot lead to good results. If Gates really wanted good social science, not social science that tastes good (and familiar to the Pentagon’s limited palate), he would be lobbying congress to increase the funding of generalized social science—including dissident social science—not pushing to Sovietize the social sciences."